what is TODO. Please stick to this if you want to please me with your developments. If you want to please yourself, do whatever you want. Any enhancement to PAdict is a good enhancement, whether it was my own idea, or not :) * and there will always be the code * The TODOs I consider MOST important are [11],[13],[7],([4],[9]) PAdict/Palm-stuff ----------------- Stuff that has to be done for PAdict itself * search algorithms The index of PAdict for kana and kanji opens many possibilities for searching. It's possible to search for nearly anything, even fuzzy (ignoring spell errors) or starting mid-word. Right now, these options are not even far from being implemented. 1]- be creative here :) 1a- of course, search speed could be improved. most things are not handled very sophisticated in any way (memory usage, CPU usage, ...) * database handling Right now, only one database can be used. In the future, it should be possible to install more than one database. Also, databases should be able to grow past 65535 words. 2]- enhance the database handler to search for all databases installed 3]- enhance the database handler to take care what results are found in what database (i.e. the references in hotlist must contain the dict they came from) 4]- enhance the database structure so that large indicies (32 bit instead of 16 bit) are used for result handling and that the index mechanism works for search trees that are broader than 64k nodes (needed i.e. for a full jmdict) This should be ENHANCEMENTS; it must be possible to have both database types installed at once (because the small database indicies should not be blown up) * trainig module 5]Well, be creative here, too. Result storage, intelligent (card based) questioning, ... * pocketkanji 6]Stroke recognition could be possibly improved. Kana recognition MUST be improved * kanji definitions 7]Add SODs if possible to gain such data from somewhere (Jack Halpern or mjordan (at) code-fu.de) PC/Tool-stuff ------------- Stuff that needs to be worked out but does not concern the Palm app itself * database generation tools There are some tools that convert the font and dictionary files to a format readable by PalmOS (.pdb format). Those tools mostly do not reside in the PAdict source, but are kept in their own realm. Check out padict-dbcreator from the CVS. The tools are all VERY quick&dirty, even if I tried to use C++ wherever possible. It's not even documented very well. The font converters are all right as they are right now, but the database converters should be enhanced. 8]- XML support for JMdict instead of EDICT 9]- support for large databases ( > 65535 words) [needs PAdict enhancement] 10- better code structure ("plugins") for more import modules to cope edict, jmdict, fjdict (edict format ja->fr), wadokuJT, .... 11- word selection method based on word usage in japanese (most used words to create smaller dicts) It should be possible to gain this data by digging japanese web pages or novels for words, but it might be a hard work 12- cross-platform frontend so that all people can use it 13- create more MORE MOOOORE dictionaries for small PDAs, big PDAs, red PDAs, blue PDAs... hrhr ;) *** old TODO file contents, should be removed someday :) just some suggestions what should be done... redesign: - program state should be stored in preferences - screens should use the same (or mostly the same) menu major features: