Four dictionaries to choose from:
Japanese - English common words, 22463 Entries
Japanese - English big EDICT, 52578 Entries
Japanese - English tiny EDICT, 9782 Entries
Japanese - French, 17592 Entries
Empty dictionary for kanji-only information
FAST search by Translation, Kana, Text Entry, Handwriting recognition, or Multiradical method.
Standard Hi-res Support (Not some older Clie devices)
Tested with PalmOS 3.3 and higher.
External Memory Card Support
Japanese PalmOS integration
Stroke order diagrams from the taka project
Support for multiple dictionaries
Dictionary-independant hotlists
Search understands word type markers (like (adv-n,fem))
PAdict © Lars Grunewaldt under GPL, 2002 - 2005